Hello and welcome to my website!

This website is a mix of everything regarding me, with both personal and professional parts to it.

But if you are wondering why I would have a website instead of a LinkedIn, it's because I only use LinkedIn as a digital rolodex (just in case: link). Just like basically all other social media, I think pouring time into a platform that is not in my control is a waste of time. I believe that directly talking to people either through email (then to a call) or face-to-face, is the most human and genuine way of interacting with each other, and pandering through social media is a quick way to forget everything comes back to people instead of some hyper-curated profile selling an illusion. So feel free to reach out by phone, gmail, or text!

I was born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to my mother, a polish immigrant who runs Eckert Byrne LLC, a trust and estate law firm and Kendall Wealth LLC, a wealth management firm, and to my father who is a web developer currently working on his messaging platform startup, Umpyre. I attended St. Peter's School for K through 8, and Boston College High School for…high school. I currently attend Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT, in the class of 2026 with electrical engineering and mathematics as my majors. I also do research in Dr. Macwan's lab, researching electrospun PVA nanofibrous scaffolds with embedded bacteriorhodopsin for biological memory applications.

For hobbies, I read science fiction novels online, listen to music, play piano, write introspective pieces, think, and play video games. And for this website, I plan to publish some of my writing and remain somewhat consistent with it.